Homepage Molino Pasini S.p.A.



This isn't a blog. Neither a story telling page.We don't want to talk to you about our company's history: we prefer to tell you what we do every single day to make Molino Pasini even better and more innovative.
All this information must necessarily come from our Miller:the man responsible for our success, the brain behind our work. He is the narrator who will accompany you, week after week, along our company's corridors, to trade fairs and to courses that centre on flour. This space open to comments and sharing useful tips is dedicated to him. These same tips are essential to build what is really dear to us, day after day: Molino Pasini. We therefore welcome you to the Miller's home, which will gradually also become a place where you can find all our company's news, information on our world and on worlds beyond ours, places we like to visit and mix with to become more and more international. We hope you will enjoy our intriguing information, unusual anecdotes and the many pleasant moments spent in our company. Ready to set out on this journey? Welcome!

18 October 2017

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